EP Session n.55 – Official Results
We are happy to announce that the following professional photographers got the “EP – European Photographer” title, at the last EP online session.
They are in alphabetic order per country.
Congratulations to:
André Döring, EP, Austria
Zlatko Latev, EP, Bulgaria
Frédéric Coignot, EP, France
Valérie Kattan, EP, France
Candice Louis, EP, France
Veronika Simonova, EP, France
Arthur Torossian, EP, France
Yoann Zaidi, EP, France
Lucia Drietomská, EP, Slovakia
Dávid Ilkovič, EP, Slovakia
Ján Ilkovič, EP, Slovakia
Ľubomír Perunko, EP, Slovakia
Jozef Vokál, EP, Slovakia
Click here for the results gallery
Apply online now for EP session #56!
Deadline for applications: September, 30, 2024.