FEP Board Meeting in Prague, November2019, report
The Federation of European Professional Photographers’ board convened under its President, Truls Løtvedt, on November 18, 2019 in Prague, Czech Republic. During the weekend before the Board meeting, the FEP celebrated its 40th judging event. The judging went through overall 32 QEP and 19 MQEP applications, which resulted in 18 new QEP and 7 new MQEP photographers. Once again, congratulations to all the newly qualified photographers!
CEO meeting
On Friday, preciding the judging, several CEOs of the FEP member associations got together in a meeting. The CEO form a formally unutilized skillset for the FEP, which will now be put into good use. The CEOs agreed to form 3 difference task forces, FEP Brand, FEP Marketing and Copyright. These task forces will work on their dedicated issues and report to the Board in its following meetings.
Event calendar 2020
The dates of 2020 events were confirmed, they are March 22 for the General Assembly and Annual Award ceremony in Rome, Italy, June 6-8 the next judging session and Board meeting in Poprad, Slovakia and finally November 14-16 for the second judging and Board meeting in Antwerp, Belgium. the next CEO meeting will also be held in Antwerp in connection of the judging weekend, but the exact weekend is yet to be established.
Budget 2020
The Board approved a preliminary budget for 2020 to be presented at the General Assembly in Rome. A new way of calculating membership fees will be presented at the GA.