FEP Board Meeting in Tbilisi, November 2018, report
Important message : The date and the venue of the next General Assembly will be changed, and the annual competition award ceremony will be communicated soon.
The Federation of European Professional Photographers’ board convened under its President, Truls Løtvedt, on November 19, 2018 in Tbilisi, Georgia. This is a summary of the decisions made.
Event calendar 2019
The exact dates for the 2019 judging session were confirmed; these are June 8-9 in Bergen, Norway and November 16-17 in Prague, Czech Republic. The General Assembly and the annual competition award ceremony will take place in May 8-9 during Photokina fair in Cologne, Germany.
Judging session timetables
It was also decided that the QEP/MQEP applications will be opened in the future earlier on to encourage early applications and thus ensuring the judging events. Early applicants will also received a price incentive, prices for last minute applications will be increased.
Press releases
After the judging session in Tbilisi, each successful new QEP/MQEP received a press release template for his/her use as well as an image of his/her panel with the judges. This new policy will continue in the future.
Developing the FEP
In the future, the FEP Board will form task forces both as a way to involve the Board members more but also as a way of transferring knowledge (people have different areas of expertise and this helps us to utilise them more).
New Brochure
The FEP will prepare a new brochure to advertise itself. The brochure will be available at Photokina and members association can receive it to use for their own advertising purposes.
FETA will become FYPA
Since the name FETA has been problematic for obvious reasons and also the link to Universities has proven to be problematic due to the different way of organising photographic education is various members countries. It was decided to change the name into FYPA, The FEP Young Photographer Award. Currently the entry is extended to the same closing date as the main competition, January 6, 2019.
In the future though the main competition’s Student category and FYPA will merge.
How to make the FEP more visible in its member associations’ communication
It was decided to conduct a survey to investigate how the FEP is visible in its member associations’ internal (and external) communications and furthermore, how it could be improved.