FEP General Assembly meeting 2018 report
Today in Bray, Ireland, the Fep celebrated its anual general meeting hosted by the Irish member association. After thanking the IPPA for the hospitality, the General assembly of member associations welcomed as the new president Truls Løtved, from Norway. The President will serve for the next term of 2 years. A new board of directors has been elected, including:
Trusl Løtvedt, Norway, President
Fernando Barrio, Spain
Jean Felix Bernetel, France
Bernd Gassner, Germany
Tiina Haring, Finland
Martin Krystynek, Slovakia
Eugenio Li Volsi, Italy
Bent Nygaard-Larsen, Denmark
Edoardo Piccinini, Belgium
Jan Pohribný, Czech Reoublic
Willem van der Vlies, The Netherland
Neil Warner, Ireland
They have also been accepted as new full members 3 national associations, Association of Professional Photographers from Bulgaria, League of Professional Photographers from Russia and Studio from Belgium.
The former FEP President Andreas Barylli-Fayer and former treasurer Nikki Huts received the prestigious FEP Merit Award for their service rendered to the Federation in the past 20 years. Pictures by Lilia Yotova, Bulgaria and byJohan Brouwers, QEP, Belgium