FETA Award 2018, first results
The FETA is an award for photographic students under 30, introduced by FEP in 2013. For this edition the judging has been chaired by QEP Jim Lowe, UK, and happened online by 3 international judges: MQEP André Boto, Portugal, QEP Eugenio Li Volsi, Italy and MQEP Laila Villebeck, Sweden. The anonymity of the candidates has been respected at all times. The judges, beyond awarding a winner, assigned also merit certificates to other 4 students.
Here are the names of the 5 awarded students, in alphabetical order:
– Pertra Basnakova, student at the Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Slovakia.
– Marco Cavarischi, student at the Istituto Europeo del Design (IED), Rome, Italy
– Lea Jörres, student at the Dortmund University, Germany
– Fabian Poprawski, student at the Dortmund University, Germany
– Dawn Richardson, student at the Falmouth University, UK
The winner is amongst them… and iwill be announced and awarded on Sunday, March 25 in Bray, Ireland, at the FEP Awards Ceremony, where also the winners of the FEP Photographer of the Year Awards 2018 will be presented.
This year, for the first time for this Award, the winner will also receive a ChromaLuxe HD print, kindly offered by our sponsor ChromaLuxe.
To learn more about the FETA Award click HERE