Dear VIDEOGRAPHERS! We remind you that at the next FEP Judging session, Granada, Spain, November 21 and 22, we will held the first session of the EV the European Videographer Qualification and QEV – Qualified European Videographer.
EVThe EV is a new basic quality assurance certification now available to most general Professional Videographers throughout Europe. The European Videographer (EV) qualification aims to recognise competence and a professional standard for those who earn their lives as Professional Videographers. It is designed to complement the lack of a specific title to uphold the professional status.
The candidate must submit his/her works inside a USB key or a DVD. It must contain 3 VIDEOS.
The EV certificate has no categories. Submitted videos can be all pertaining to the same category (social reportage, drawing and documentary feature, commercial and industrial, free creation) or can be a mixture.
There will be 3 judges. Each judge will examine the submitted works in a random order, and will say yes or no for each single video. To get the EV certificate, the entrant must succeed getting six yes votes, out of nine, with at least two out of three yes on each submitted video.
Please download here the EV RULES and the APPLICATION FORM.
Deadline for pre-registration: November, 15, 2015.
The rules are more or less the same of the EV. The main differences are the cost (150 euro instead of 50), and the video to submit are 5 instead of 3. While the EV can be a mixture of categories (the certificate is without category) , the QEV must be submitted in only one of the following categories: social reportage; drawing and documentary feature; commercial and industrial; free creation.
The candidate will be claimed successful with an average score of 15 points or above, that means they must obtain 60% of the votes in favour to be successful.
Best regards and GOOD LUCK!