André Boto is Photographer of the Year 2010
FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year Awards 2010Supported by Epson The overall winner of one of the worlds most important professional photographers competitions is now official.André Boto won with his wonderful images.“Winning gives me the motivation needed to continue the creativity and do something “outside the box” that really makes the difference. The point is not only to be different. We should be different but at the same time be different with something that makes sense. This work and my style reflects a little of my artistic background. I have some arts connection since childhood and I grew up with it. The Surrealism is an inspiration of my actual authorship work. I like the challenge of creating “something” that we maybe could see in the real life, representing dreams and make people thinking and dreaming.”, says André Boto with a smile.The winners were presented at Epson Stand at Photokina 2010.EPSON representative, Claes Jeppson, who presented the prizes said “EPSON is proud to be able to support a competition like this, where talent is shown so clearly. EPSON and the photographers need each other to make and present images at a high level”.To this FEP President Neil Warner thanked EPSON for the support and remarked that it was a joy to experience images like this.
Almost 700 photographers from 25 countries participated in this event: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United States of America.The Golden Camera Award winners are:COMMERCIALAndré Boto, Portugal Winner of the FEP European Commercial Golden Camera AwardILLUSTRATIVEAndré Boto, Portugal Winner of the FEP European Illustrative Golden Camera AwardLANDSCAPEJirí Stránský, Czech Republic Winner of the FEP European Landscape Golden Camera AwardPORTRAITSPadraic Deasy, Ireland Winner of the FEP European Portrait Golden Camera AwardREPORTAGECarl Lapeirre, Belgium Winner of the FEP European Reportage Golden Camera AwardWEDDINGSClemente Jiménez Santander, Spain Winner of the FEP European Wedding Golden Camera AwardINTERNATIONAL SECTIONJen Hillenga, USA Winner of the FEP International Photographer Golden Camera Award The winning pictures from the winner, second and third place in each category were printed by Epson and were exhibited at the Epson stand in Photokina. The print collection will then travel throughout major European countries and will also be exhibited at the FEP Congress in Lyon.