Nutrition for the creative professional!
Is the core of having a European FEP Congress over 3 days from February 6th-8th 2011 in Lyon, France.Across Europe there is so much proven and aspiring talent, living so close yet so far apart. With this Congress the Federation of European Professional Photographers builds a bridge across the cultural differences in Europe.High Quality work comes in many forms says FEP President Neil Warner, and through the congress we want to inspire photographers across borders by seeing good work, listening to wonderful speakers and by catching up with new and old friendsLyon is a beautiful historical city, very well placed, central in Europe with good access from all Europe, and the splendid Lyon Convention Centre will provide a nice frame for the event.It is with pride that the GNPP are working with the Federation of European Professional Photographers to bring the second European Congress of Professional Photographers to Lyon, the capital of Gaul and City of the Lumières brothers, a place where photography is a part of its history. This is an opportunity also for the GNPP to organize its 17th Congress; two events in one to put photography in our hearts for 3 days., says the President of GNPP (Groupement Nationale de la Photographie Professionelle), Jean-Luc Renault.This major event is expected to attract more than 800 photographers from all of Europe. The world of the professional photographer is very interesting and photography can do so many things. adds the FEP CEO Giuseppe Scozzi. New contacts can also lead to new ideas and ways of doing things, which again leads to improving your own work, he continues.Masters, Future & InspirationIt is all about inspiration and evolution. The 3 days of the Congress goes around this in separate ways.Day 1 will present some of the very few Master Qualified European Photographers to see and compare the standards of professional excellence in different countries. Day 2 will be dedicated to marketing and trends how to stay ahead and survive the digital game. Debate on opportunities and information on the various trends of todays professional market will be provided by international experts in digital photography, media management and young photographers who set trends. Day 3 will have International Photographic speakers such as the famous fashion and fine art photographer Sarah Moon, the famous Magnum Photographer Martin Parr and the American Eddie Tapp (Adobe Photoshop Hall of Fame) who will give a digital seminar at the congress. More speakers are to be announced. For further information please contact FEP press officer Jørgen Brandt at